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What Style! Word Formatting now with Colossal Panache – Part 2

You Need Style Now

How Do I Make Style Happen?

To apply a specific style to a particular piece of content, simply place your cursor at the beginning of the content and drag it across until everything is selected. Then, click on the style you wish to apply to the materiel.

How Do I Make Style Happen

What is Normal Style?

In your style menu, you will usually see Normal listed first. This is the default paragraph style. When you type in a new document, the content will be presented in Normal style. If you change this text and layout components through direct formatting, they will still be assigned as Normal style.

How Do I Make Any Style Mine?

You could spend days fixing consistency errors in your document and still miss something, whether a font size or paragraph spacing. On the other hand, you could change each style category instead of selecting content and reformatting individually.

Example: How to Modify Heading 1

1. Right click on Heading 1 in the Quick Start Menu. You should see a drop-down menu

Modify Drop Down Menu with Style

2. Select Modify. You should see the Modify Style

Modify Style Window

3. Change the style with the options within this window. Click OK when you’re done and all instance of Heading 1 should be adjusted according to your modifications.

Helpful Tip: You can also change all Heading 1 instances by selecting a single occurrence.

  1. Reformat the target heading instance, then drag your cursor through the content to highlight it.
  2. Right click on Heading 1 in the Quick Start Menu. You should see a drop-down menu
  3. Select Update Heading 1 to Match Selection and all instances of Heading 1 should be adjusted according to your modifications.

How to Navigate with Style?

Update Style

How Do I Add a Table of Contents with Style?

You can create Tables of Contents instantly by having some style, which is automatically updated as the text and layout structure is changed. You can make this happen by using headings available in the style menu.

Each heading becomes a content line in your table. And each progressive heading becomes a subordinate topic for each heading. When you change the content in each heading, your table will also change.

Is There More to Style Than This?

Yes! Look for more blog articles in the future to cover further topics on Microsoft Word Styles. If you have a tip or insight, please share in the comments. Also, check out these other blogs on how to make style happen:

How to use Microsoft Word Styles (a guide for legal professionals)

Microsoft Word Styles Tutorial: Learn to Streamline Your Formatting

Word Styles | Custom Guide

Microsoft Word – Using Styles – Towering Skills

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